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Activity Eleven- Rolling Pin Bubble Wrap Painting


Description:  Children are to use cognitive and sensory skills to explore the variety of colours and to feel the bubble wrap.



  1. Paint

  2. Paint Tray

  3. Rolling Pin

  4. Scissors

  5. Paper

  6. PECS (picture exchange cards)

Inquiry: Children are to inquire the hand over hand method first. Children are to grasp the movement of using the rolling pin forwards and backwards. The main goal to be met is for the child to reiterate the step by step process on their own.


Objectives/Outcomes: The objective of this activity is to engage them in mixing more than one colour, to become more familiar with fine motor skills and self initiate activities with less use of hand on hand support from the educator.


Language: Children are Non-Verbal. Minimal signs include; notice face of others, smiles and smiles when talked to, babble noises, points to colours, points to the picture exchange photos.


Reflection: The activity went well, most of the children met the expectations created for this activity. Hand over hand was needed, but for each child we did let go to see if some of them can complete the motion on their own. Children loved the variety of textures included in this activity. They were smiling the entire time of the activity.



First Photo Step One:

Prepare the materials for activity


Second Photo Step Two:

Hand over hand method and roll rolling pin with paint onto paper


Third Photo Step Three:

Child self initiates pushing rolling pin with paint onto paper


Fourth Photo Step Four:

Final product of art work + painted paint onto hand and made a handprint

activity one 2019.jpg
activity one 2019 2 (3).jpg
activity one 2019 3.jpg
activity one 2019 4.jpg

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