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Activity Five - Exploding Baggies!
Description: This experiment of exploding baggies creates tons of baking soda and vinegar reactions. The children observe and watch the bags fill with gas and pop with colours blending in together.
Plastic Ziploc Bags
Food Colouring
1/3 Cup of Vinegar for each bag
2 Table spoons of baking soda for each bag
Objective/Outcome: Kids are natural explorers looking and are curious to learn new things. It's important that children are introduced to new things while playing. Hopefully, this experience introduced the children to understand how two substances mixed together create a reaction and how they can be colourful.
Language: "Whoa, look at all the colours!", "Yuck, this smells", "Fizzing, Colours and Bubbles!".
Reflection: Overall, this activity sustained the children's learning experience. The exploding with colours, the bubbles, the fizzing sound, the before and after chart all enabled children to communicate and comment on the activity. To extend their learning further, I can try this activity outside on the pavement.

Children Holding top close and getting ready to remove clothespin

Children watching baggies explode and pouring out the substance
After results of letting the substances sit for ten minutes
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