You are at placement to learn. It's important to understand nobody expects you to be perfect. For me, being able to show improvement and continuing to take on lots of advice from other individuals is what helps you to learn.
Patience is key. Children are not adults and can't process knowledge as much/quickly as we do. I've learned that you need to repeat yourself and explain a lot. Continuing to communicate, be patient with children and give them examples to illustrate ideas enhances a learning experience for the child and adult.
Enthusiasm and organization needs to be present when working with children. It includes strong interpersonal skills, presentation and effective speaking skills. Being prepared and showing positive emotions teaches the children to be confident and helps you learn more about building trusted relationships.
Mentor young children. I've learned from observing other teachers how they make there environment feel like one big "family" instead of having children be intimidated by there surroundings. Guidance from teachers helps the children carry out intellectual skills that turns into creative thinking. This enhances strong imagination skills and creates positive mindsets.
Managing behaviour. I've learned that when we are in the classroom with the kids and we see some children are not getting along, we address the issue before it escalates. With this strategy, I learned that teacher's do this in a way that communicates to the kids that we all learn together to build our community.
Reflection and initiative. Writing journals each week about placement and interactions with children helps me to visualize what's improved and what's yet to be improved. Taking initiative to reflect on my own progress and set goals will benefit me into always trying to do better. Seeking feedback from my field educator, my friends and professors also shows positive/negative views that I could not identify myself.
Develop and record strategies to reach a child's learning goal, work with children one on one to develop a series of steps to achieve learning goals, define and set learning goals, and record children's processed work to help them visually see their progress towards that learning goal.
Teach every child with different learning styles, different learning abilities, and different likes and dislikes. This enables collaborative teaching in the classroom. The goal is to result in a learning student who is continuously engaged.
Progress and feedback. I found that receiving feedback from my field educator helps me see my strengths and weaknesses as an educator. I hope in future occurrences that I will continue to take constructive feedback to improve my skills as an educator for young learners and for myself.
Positivity in the environment. It's important to come in positive and enthusiastic when working with children because they pick up on your actions and it influences their learning. No matter how bad or good your day is, bringing in a positive vibe is important, since you are there for the children and want to educate them.