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Activity Three - Mystery Box
Description: Children are to use their senses to identify the mystery item in the different boxes provided. They are then to share before and after results to see what their imaginations can think of.
Four Bins/Bowls
Animal Sponges
Shells/Pebble Rocks
Water Beads
Cotton Balls
Inquiry: Being able to indicate objects without looking (mystery) to see if the children can use their cognitive/sensory skills to develop an understanding between objects.
Objectives/Outcomes: Children can identify what is in each box by using their senses when feeling the textures. By the teacher already scaffolding children's learning for this activity, in future activities when these objects show up again, children can easily recognize and answer without an educator's help.
Language: "What kind of animal is this?", "This looks like cars!", "What other objects start with letter C"?, "Cookie, Cake, Caterpillar, Crayon"
Reflection: Overall, the children were thrilled to guess what each box had on the inside. The textures that they felt created communication amongst themselves. There was lots of bonding, sharing, problem solving, and one on one conversations with peers and the educators. To extend the learning experience, next time Instead of the children sharing their answers out loud, they can draw out what they feel (benefits fine motor skills).
Child with teacher recording before/After
Children viewing what is in first two boxes and feeling the material
Children feeling all textures after guessing their results
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