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Activity Twelve- Fish Counting


Description:  Children are to use cognitive and sensory skills to match the corresponding colours to its corresponding colour and to count the amount of fish on the popsicle sticks, also counting up and then counting down.



  1. Fish Cut Outs

  2. Markers

  3. Glue

  4. Scissors

  5. Popsicle Sticks

  6. PECS (picture exchange cards)

Inquiry: Children are to inquire the hand over hand method first. Children are to understand basic mathematical counting with small numbers. This activity only went from numbers one to five. Children are to strengthen matching and counting skills.


Objectives/Outcomes: The goal of this activity is to engage them with working individually, with an educator and one on one. Children are to use fine motor skills to physically match the corresponding colour and number that is on the popsicle stick. Once that Is completed, the outcome was to point individually and count with the educator how many fish there are. 


Language: Children are Non-Verbal. Minimal signs include; notice face of others, smiles and smiles when talked to, babble noises, points to colours, points to the picture exchange photos.


Reflection: The activity went well, most of the children met the expectations created for this activity. Children have an interest in underwater animals so they were happy to see that this activity was based on interests. To take a step forward,  next time I can increase the number to see if they are capable of matching more numbers on their own.



First Photo Step One:

Prepare the materials for activity


Second Photo Step Two:

Child observing the colour, matches it with its corresponding popsicle stick and then counts how many fish are on it by pointing his finger

activity two 2019 .jpg
activity two 2019 2.jpg

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