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Activity Fourteen - My playdoh colour is...?


Description:  Children are to first match the colours activity displayed on the smartboard first and then using the four playdoh colours provided, put the playdoh in its correct coloured container and then seal the lid on top.



  1. Smartboard 

  2. Playdoh

  3. PECS (picture exchange cards)

Inquiry: Children are to inquire the skills of using assistive technology, becoming familiar with different textures and opening/closing the containers.


Objectives/Outcomes: The objective of this activity is to engage them first with the smartboard. The overall outcome is for the children to match the colours according to it's playdoh container first and then they are to put the playdoh back inside the container and place the lid on top. They usually need hand over hand support with lifting up and placing but this activity is to guide the child into doing it on their own.


Language: Children are Non-Verbal. Minimal signs include; notice face of others, smiles and smiles when talked to, babble noises, points to colours, points to the picture exchange photos.


Reflection: The activity somewhat went well. It was difficult for some children to stay focused without throwing the materials. Other children could complete the activity in ten seconds. A future goal could be lessoning the amount of playdoh at a time and slowly working up to use more than one colour at a time. They can also try mixing the playdoh colours together and try stacking the containers to make a tower.  



First Photo Step One:

Smartboard matching activity to be completed first


Second Photo Step Two:

Prepare playdoh materials on table and to be ready to use


Third Photo Step Three:

Educator assistance is needed first for demonstration


Fourth Photo Step Four:

Child places playdoh inside container then places lid on top


Fifth Photo Step Five:

Child self initiates by using both hands to press lid down as final result

activity four 2019 .jpg
activity four 2019 2.jpg
activity four 2019 3.jpg
activity four 2019 4.jpg
activity four 2019 5.jpg

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