My name is Laura Ferrari and I currently represent a student in the faculty of Early Childhood studies at Ryerson University,
in downtown Toronto. With great pleasure, I am more then happy to say that I enjoy this field of study and to understand the
development of all young children. I am a student in university, I have a twin brother and I adore my family. As I
was growing up, I always knew I wanted to be a teacher and to help benefit the development of children. I can say that the
way others influenced and developed me, have positively impacted who I am as a person today. I enjoy working with
children, due to the experiences I've had that helped me to interact with young children. First, it started with me volunteering
at my elementary school with the junior and senior kindergarten students. This led me into volunteering for two years at a
summer camp for City of Toronto Parks and Recreation. After the volunteering experiences, I was then eligible to become a
full-time counsellor working with children of all ages, ethnicities, special needs children, for Toronto Parks and Rec, now
proceeding into my fourth year. It's amazing to be a leader with helping young children develop the most complex things. I
could not be more thrilled to go into work and see the bright smiles these children bring in everyday. I will continue to carry
on this passion I have for young kids, which will hopefully lead me into the school board, to become a primary teacher.