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Activity Five - Cotton Ball Painting


Description: This activity requires children to use there fine motor skills to create cotton ball painting. As you dab the cotton into the paint tray, and then dab it onto the paper, there will be colourful designs and shapes.



  1.  Paint

  2.  Paint Tray

  3.  Paper

  4. Cotton Balls

  5. Clothes Pins

Inquiry:  Feeling the texture of the cotton ball. Observing the provided colours in the paint tray and mixing colours together to create new colours. This will enable the children to produce a colourful image with shapes. 


Objectives/Outcomes: Children will have a better sense of colours instead of our basic primary colours. Children will understand that there is more then one way to create art (e.g. the use of different materials such as sponges, paint brushes, cotton).


Language: "look! The animals are mixing with different colours!”. “Whoa! It was white, then black, and now grey!”

Reflection: Overall the activity went great, the children interacted with each other and with myself. It would have worked better with another material such as sponges.

Child Mixing Colours on Paper

Child Dab Cotton Ball onto paper

Final Result of Activity

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