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Activity Thirteen - I throw the ball too...!
Description: Children are to catch the ball and throw it back into the bucket or whom ever they received it from.
PECS (picture exchange cards)
Inquiry: Children are to inquire the skills of being able to throw and catch a ball. Understanding the sense of direction in which to throw the ball in.
Objectives/Outcomes: The objective of this activity is to engage them in peer cooperation and self initiation skills. By first throwing the ball up in the air and then having themselves catch it, then throwing it to an educator, should result in them throwing the ball into the bucket.
Language: Children are Non-Verbal. Minimal signs include; notice face of others, smiles and smiles when talked to, babble noises, points to colours, points to the picture exchange photos.
Reflection: The activity went well, most of the children were able to do all three steps. Some of the children in the wheelchairs could throw it but only to an educator which was still great. We have a very inclusive environment and this activity was adapted for these children with disabilities.
First Photo Step One:
Smartboard and picture exchange card are provided. Child is pointing to picture card, then hands it to me (indicating that he wants me to throw the ball)
Second Photo Step Two:
I throw the ball to the student for them to catch
Third Photo Step Three:
Child self initiates pushing the ball and throws it to me



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