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Activity Four - Light Table
Description: Sensory/ Observing changes through objects.
Light Table
Contact Paper
Inquiry: Use fine motor skills and can feel the textures of different sized pom-poms.
Objective/Outcome: An objective is that their hands on experience and verbal communication will become stronger. This will encourage high level thinking and experimenting which can benefit the children when have one on one conversations.
Language: "Light is so cool! You can see everything!".
Reflection: Overall, the activity went good because it allowed the children to explore and create ideas with pom-poms, and they learned how light comes in different forms. To extend children's learning I could include more props and materials, also use a projector so they can place shapes (for an example) and trace the image onto chart paper taped to the wall.

Child Sticking on the pom-poms

Children rubbed the pom-pom on contact paper, which created this design of the different colour fur blending in together
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